CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Pic servos

Posted by Andy Olney
on 1999-06-18 05:52:30 UTC
> [This looks interesting, Dan. Have you ever tried these out for
> servos? Has anybody here? I assume the $175 is per axis, but still, it
> doesn't look that bad if that's all I'll need to retrofit my old mill to
> accept unlimited g-code file sizes. Could it be that simple? Are these the
> kind of boards that have their own chips onboard, so they can buffer the
> input from the computer and real-timeness isn't an issue? Or is there
> something I'm not taking into consideration here? I wonder how well the
> control software that goes with these things really works...]
> Andrew Werby

These boards have their own control language running over a serial port and
you need some kind of software to generate that from gcode. Kerr has a
stepper adaptor that will fool the board into accepting stepper input but
Dan Mauch says it slow. Since to look is closed in hardware on the board the
real time requirements are not as much an issue. Jeff Kerr says it is
possible to tell 4 axis what to do about 400 times per second max, which
seems like it should be adequate.

Andy Olney

Discussion Thread

Andrew Werby 1999-06-17 13:26:36 UTC Pic servos Andy Olney 1999-06-18 05:52:30 UTC Re: Pic servos Dan Mauch 1999-06-18 05:52:30 UTC Re: Pic servos