CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] First Post (and a question re using a plotter as a power feed)

Posted by Bill Darby
on 2000-09-05 18:02:32 UTC
Hi Art

The plotter is a Houston model DP 11 The cable plug is round with about 19 pins and 15 of them are wired up and doing
something. You are right about the third axis, the pen action is simply a solenoid driving the pen up or down. At the moment I
have unraveled the wiring harness just to see where everything goes and also to see if I can remote the joystick, power and scale
selector switch on a single umbilical cable to a convent spot on top of the lathe bench while all the gubbins can remain in the
original case bolted to the underside.

If this plan does not work I have a Daedal three axis control unit that has manual presets, run, step and direction switches
and position display for each of the axis. This,,, I would dearly love to be able to tie into computer control. Do you think it
Someone once told me that it would be possible to transmit the step and direction signal to the step and direction switching on this

Bill Darby

"A. G. Eckstein" wrote:

> Bill,
> Can't answer the possibilities of this, but it sound interesting and might
> be possible in the x,y axis. Not sure about the z as the pen action is just
> an up or down. Now having said that, which HI plotter do you have as I may
> have a driver or two for it. Most assuridly, I have one for Acad, and
> possibly one for windoze. If not, have some sources and may be able to help.
> Art
> >OK, first I would like to say hi to everyone.
> >
> > Next, to introduce myself by saying my full name is Bill Darby I
> >am a retired Artilleryman in Ottawa Canada and supplement my income
> >by doing contract machining. I enjoy helping people and in turn am
> >most appreciative of those who help me. I am by no means a saint but
> >I
> >do not go out of my way to belittle others.
> >
> >I would like to lead off my first post with a question about this
> >Houston plotter that I have just dismantled to see if I can power
> >feed
> >the X and Z axis of my little Myford Super Seven with the steppers.
> >
> >Right now it will operate on local and allow the use of the joystick
> >to provide speed, direction and selection of axis plus a scaling
> >switch which provides for the selection of four distinct speed
> >ranges.
> >
> >If I can select a gearing range that will provide enough power to
> >move
> >the existing gear train at a reasonable speed I would be quite
> >pleased
> >(I think it is quite doable with what I have)
> >
> >What I would really like to do, however, is to be able to select
> >remote and control the steppers from a computer. .
> >
> >I am currently trying to locate the proper plotter drivers and a
> >round, 15 pin plotter cable connector to fit the plotter.
> >
> >Any and all assistance would be appreciated.
> >
> >Bill Darby
> >
> Country Bubba
> (Actually the inventor of Country and Bubba)
> axtein@...
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Discussion Thread

Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-09-05 12:12:27 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] First Post (and a question re using a plotter as a power feed) Bill Darby 2000-09-05 18:02:32 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] First Post (and a question re using a plotter as a power feed)