CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: What is Cad/ CAM, Controllers and... opinions: again?

Posted by Ron Ginger
on 2000-10-11 08:53:38 UTC
Tom Caudle wrote:
> >From this I get that the machine doesn't pause, Windows does.
> Somehow the Gamers have figured out how to deal with the Windows
> stuff and do real time interface.

Carefull here, 'Real Time' is somewhat relative. To a person playing a
game a missed few milliseconds will never be noticed, to a stepper motor
missing a few milliseconds of steps will be big trouble.

Windows and its companion DOS are simply NOT real time systems. RT Linux
is only slightly closer to millisecond real time.
We are back to that discussion that dedicated hardware of some kind
(maybe with a microprocessor in the mix) is what is really needed for
good motor control.


Discussion Thread

Ron Ginger 2000-10-11 08:53:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: What is Cad/ CAM, Controllers and... opinions: again?