CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 4 axis Servo

Posted by Dan Mauch
on 2000-10-16 14:19:37 UTC
I put together a 4 axis servo system using the Gecko 320 servo amps. One of
the features with the G320 is that the fault LED is inside the case. When
installed in a enclosure the fault lights are not viewable. So I emailed
Marriss and he sent me a suggested schematic circuit for an external LED
circuit that can both reset the axis that Faulted and shut off the power to
the motor. I uploaded some pictures of the PCB that I designed using
Mariss's input. I modified it to add a LM-2675-5 switcher to provide +5 for
the reset circuit and the Leds. You cannot use the existing circuits such as
the encoder +5 because it will overload that part of the circuit.
It uses a DPDT switch with center off. Flip the switch down (LEDS come on
and circuit is reset) and the outputs to the motors go low allowing manual
operation. Flip the switch up and and +5 is restored to the circuit. If what
caused the fault is corrected the power to the servo motors will be restored
in 5 seconds. Flip the switch to the middle position for normal operation.
If at any time a servo faults that LED on the front panel will light. I
posted a batch of pictures at Look in the drop box
under 4axisservo*.*
Oh almost forgot that There are the pictures of the 4 axis servo system that
I assembled. Salient features are:
machined backpanel for IEC power , servo motor and encoder connectors, DB25
junction board connector,+5 from PC and home, relays and limit switch
The front panel has a lighted power switch, one LED for each axis and a
reset/servo disengage switch.
The case is 12X10X6 with a fan, LED fault reset circuit, 4 Gecko G320
production series modules and three 24V 10 amp transformers in parallel as
well as the power supply cap and rectifier.
I tried to make the wiring as short as possible yet to leave room for
adjusting the gain, dampening and current limiting.
There was sure a lot of items to wire up. When I first did all the point to
point wiring I miswired the power supply ground to the + 18-80 terminals.
Before powering up each axis I double checked my wiring and found the
problem. Whewwww!!!!
I have 4 motors that are ~420 oz in torque with 200 count encoders.
I bench ran everything yesterday and it runs great.

Discussion Thread

Dan Mauch 2000-10-16 14:19:37 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 4 axis Servo Joe Vicars 2000-10-16 14:34:01 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 4 axis Servo