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re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.)

on 2000-10-19 21:34:53 UTC
--- In, ballendo@y... wrote:
> wow.
> Human nature is... interesting.
> I guess this thread reminds me that very often we see what we
> to see... I think John here was already of the opinion that "us cnc
> folk" were just like his "friend". And now he's confirmed it.
> A whirlwind lesson in approach, manners, research, customer
> relations, product, pricing,... All in one thread.
> Ballendo (always learnin')
> P.S. I hope John finds what he is looking for...

John is an interesting parable of what happens every day on a much
slower scale. What made him interesting was the speed with which it
happened, like seeing a magician's trick in slow motion where it
reveals the sleigh of hand.

Some magic is revealed by slowing it down, other magic is revealed by
speeding it up; either way it is the change of time scale that shows
the trick.

He presented an idea, others honestly critisized it in a helpful
manner. He took umbrage with the critiscism and turned it around (the
magic) to where it was the critisizer's fault.

Honest people when confronted with a situation like this feel guilty
thinking they have done something wrong. What they do is to reason
with the person, thinking it is just a misunderstanding that can be
overcome with reason.

What they don't realize is some people can't be reasoned with. They
show it by their inabillity to engage in the give and take involved
in an honest discussion of all ideas.

Rather, what is important to them is to leave good people with the
sense that they have offended in some way. Their magician's trick is
to transfer their shortcomings from their own shoulders to yours.

Don't fall for it and don't feel bad. Know the trick.


Discussion Thread

ballendo@y... 2000-10-19 15:26:05 UTC re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) kleinbauer@j... 2000-10-19 15:48:31 UTC re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Mariss Freimanis 2000-10-19 16:09:56 UTC re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) ballendo@y... 2000-10-19 16:50:17 UTC re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Tim Goldstein 2000-10-19 18:07:58 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-10-19 18:57:10 UTC Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Mariss Freimanis 2000-10-19 21:34:53 UTC re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Darrell 2000-10-19 22:17:27 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) John Guenther 2000-10-20 03:25:43 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) "Grif" w. keith griffith 2000-10-20 09:33:49 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Jon Elson 2000-10-21 00:05:30 UTC Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Robert Bachman 2000-10-21 05:13:38 UTC [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] The Value of this Group and RCM Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-10-21 10:40:46 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.) Granola Engineering 2000-10-23 10:20:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: How to Make a Simple CNC Machine (P.S.)