CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Teach-in

on 2000-11-08 18:16:44 UTC
Hi Ballendo,

ballendo@... wrote:
> Alan wrote:
> >Could this work? Is it being done somewhere already? Gcode output
> >was the first thought, although a .DXF would be useful also, it
> >could be input into the CAD program (going in circles here).
> Alan,
> Yes, It can work. CMM's and Digitiser S/W do these types of things
> now.

I think I saw a BIG CMM today at the "Pacific Coast Industrial & Machine
Tool Show". That's the first time I've seen the big mills running up
close. Very impressive!

Stopped by FlashCut's booth, and they had a Grizzly (sp?) Mill, with CNC
conversion, for sale. Also had a Prazzi (sp again) lathe. And of
course Sherline Mill's and other stuff.

BobCad was there, gave me a 17.? demo on a CD. I picked up quite a bit
of literature, and sample stuff! Great fun.

On the CMM and Digitizer s/w, I was thinking more of tool paths, rather
then just coordinates of an object. GCODE or .DXF would imply paths, in
my thinking. Or is there more to digitizers then I remember? I've only
used them for 2D Tomography and digitizing maps. 3D? Don't know. I'd
like to see a demo of MaxNC's digitizer (or anyone else's). I suppose
it follows a pattern to accumulate points in 3D.


> Ideally, you would have the option of DXF or Gcode output.
> Ballendo
> P.S. A CMM is a Co-ordinate Measuring Machine. Think of it as a VERY
> accurate CNC machine that doesn't cut, just measures. Put a machined
> part on its' table and touch the probe tip to three points on one
> flat side, and the CMM defines the plane represented. Additional
> probing will tell how "flat" this side is.
> Touch 2 more points (on a second flat side) and the CMM tells you the
> angle between the two sides probed.
> Or touch the inside of a bored hole in 3 places, and the CMM will
> tell you where the center of the bore lies. Additional probing can
> tall you how "round" the circle (defined by the bore) is. Neat stuff.
> Useful. Expensive.

Discussion Thread

Alan Marconett KM6VV 2000-11-08 18:16:44 UTC Re: Teach-in