CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Selenium Rectifiers

Posted by Mark Fraser
on 2000-11-20 09:50:48 UTC
My all-time favorite of the "poorly researched" TV episodes was the
Mission Impossible crisis in which the techie guy was searching for
the fault in a TV monitor that died just when it was needed most for
some surveillance activity. At the last moment, he announced "I found
it - it was a burned out Selenium rectifier!".

Anyone who has been in the same room as a TV whose S.R. has burned
out would be able to recognize the telltale odor...... /mark

Discussion Thread

Mark Fraser 2000-11-20 09:50:48 UTC Selenium Rectifiers Tom Caudle 2000-11-20 11:35:33 UTC Re: Selenium Rectifiers