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3D scanning Ramble

Posted by Robert N Ash
on 1999-07-16 19:08:51 UTC
Not really knowing much about this:

In part of a message from: "Arne Chr. Jorgensen"

>Someone mentioned a laser scanner for 3d. Does anyone know what
>kind of principle they use to do this ? ( I know of several
>possible solutions - but would like to get some info on how they do
>it )

A respose from: "Patrick Huss" <patrick@...>

>The simpler 3D laser scanners I have used are nothing more than laser range
>finders. They have a laser and a camera(one piece unit), the laser shoots
>directly down on the z-axis reflecting back to the camera at about

A good explaination followed, check the Onelist

Not an easy way to get there on the speed and a
little above the hobby level I guess. The probe
seems to be the best route to go. You could put
together a light frame for hardware. A basic
program might be enough for some resolution.
I have not given much thought to video resolution
problems, but I will.
I have a good camera but a budget capture card.
Scrounging for video hardware guides.......

Anyhow,,I have wondered if a Kluge could be worked
up with several programs.
We have spread a beam out to a thin line with
parts from a laser disc player. Beams from 2
sides are to move across the target perpendicular
to the video. Matching the frame rate with the
amount of laser movement would store your info in
AVI. Now we break the info down to stills of each
frame, using something like AVI to GIF. Then on to
something like Streamline to build a DXF of the
frames. Bring the DXF frames together at the
proper spacing in the CAD app or convert to NC and
add the proper axis increment. Phreww

Robert Ash

Discussion Thread

Robert N Ash 1999-07-16 19:08:51 UTC 3D scanning Ramble