CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Gorton TraceMaster 3 Axis

on 2000-11-27 06:51:49 UTC

Most likely those are hydraulic motors. See all the hydraulic hoses
coming off the tracing head unit?

Still a good candidate for conversion. Most of the tracer setups
like this had ball screws.

From what I've experienced locally, the price on this Gorton is way
over the usual going rate.


--- In, Joe Vicars <jvicars@c...> wrote:
> What sucks about Ebay is that the machinery dealers will scarf up
> the good stuff. They've got the money to outbid the hobbyists,
then you
> have to pay their markup to get it back.
> Anybody know how this Gorton tracing attachment works? If
those are
> stepper motors, it looks like an easy potential conversion project.
> Includes Collets.
> Sweet!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Discussion Thread

Joe Vicars 2000-11-27 06:10:24 UTC Gorton TraceMaster 3 Axis dougrasmussen@c... 2000-11-27 06:51:49 UTC Re: Gorton TraceMaster 3 Axis Jeff Barlow 2000-11-27 11:25:52 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Gorton TraceMaster 3 Axis