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eio stepper forum was re:Small 486 system

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2000-11-29 17:02:53 UTC
Steve wrote:<snip> a place called EIO has a small 486 passive
backplane system for sale.


Eio is the website of a southern California based electronics surplus
store. (like MECI or electronic goldmine)

They also have MANY discussion forums on the site, including one
devoted to stepper motors, with some S/W thrown in. It used to be a
good site, and has some good info in the back posts, but IMO we're
doing a better job on this topic here at CCED. Worth taking a look

Look for hyper email discussion forums.

Hope this helps.


Discussion Thread

ballendo@y... 2000-11-29 17:02:53 UTC eio stepper forum was re:Small 486 system