CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

some unsolicited advice was Re: Help Pick out best software

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2000-11-29 17:16:49 UTC
RFS, and others,

Keep in mind that the cutting forces (resisting movement) of a router
based CNC machine are MUCH greater than a plasma torch! For a 3-point
system to work well, or at all(with a router); it must be
VERY "stiff"! plans to do ANY metal machining will require even more
machine "stiffness".(resistance to deflection by tool cutting forces)

Driving "both ends" or a really WIDE spacing of the 2 co-linear
points will help. One cheap way to deal with deflection at the end of
the arm is to use a thin steel cable and pulleys (like a drafting
table "parallel rule").

Hope this helps.


P.S. There are a fair number of torchmate owners who are unsatisfied
with the structures' performance even WITH "just" a torch. And of
course, others who are completely satisfied.
Be aware of what YOU are trying to accomplish!

>I would be interested in the approach you are taking in constructing
>your router table. I am collecting a variety of info on doing the
>same and plan on starting construction soon. TorchMate has some nice
>photos of their product. Thanx. RFS.

Discussion Thread

ballendo@y... 2000-11-29 17:16:49 UTC some unsolicited advice was Re: Help Pick out best software Smoke 2000-11-29 21:33:37 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] some unsolicited advice was Re: Help Pick out best software