CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Cncpro/Gcode

Posted by tauseef
on 2000-12-09 01:10:04 UTC
hey jon
thanks for the reply. In question #1 the "F" was to mean the F1
through F10 keys on a computer keyboard (sorry!). Those keys select
if (this is my question) IO1 through I04 are on or off.. what are IO?
In question #2 the "L" is a number that I can put into a g-code line
and it will rerun that line that many times (from what I understand).
I am not sure how to place that in the line however. One of my
friends said that there has to be a subroutine and then you specify
how many times you want it run. For example L0105 would mean run
subroutine 1, 5 times. I have not tired it yet but will.
thanks for the help!

--- In, Jon Elson <jmelson@a...> wrote:
> tauseef wrote:
> > Hi everyone!
> > I have some questions on CNCpro and G-codes. If anyone can help
> > would be great!
> >
> > 1) What is F5-F8 I01-I04 for?
> Fxxx normally specifies feed rate, in IPM or mm/Min.
> > 2) It has "V" (varibable) but I am not sure how to us this?
> > 3) It has L (loop g-code) but I am unsure how to put this
> > into a line, can anyone please provide me with an example?
> The L word is used in traditional G-code as an optional specifier
> for such things as alternate coordinate systems, length offset
> selection, etc.
> > 4) what is E-stop for? (emergency stop??)
> Yes. usually there is a hardware component that watches for fault
> conditions from various units like servo amps and spindle drives,
> and manual emergency buttons, and also watches for an emergency
> alarm from the CNC control. If there is an emergency (servo
> runaway, spindle crash, etc.) it shuts off power to the axis drives
> and stops the spindle, coolant, etc.
> > 5) How and why do you use subroutines?
> These could be useful if you had a number of similar features on
> a part (or a pallet of identical parts). You would write the G-code
> to do one, and then offset the coordinate system for each feature
> or part, and run the subroutine to machine that part.
> > 6) why would you use tool "length" compensation?
> If you need to change tools to complete a part, you don't want to
> have to measure the Z=0 offset every time you change the tool.
> Of course, if you use collets and Jacobs chucks, you DO have
> to measure every time. But, with tool holders, the end mill, drill,
> etc. can be repeatably inserted into the spindle, and the CNC
> control can keep the length of the tool in its tool table. When you
> switch tools, you don't have to adjust for the different lengths
> in the program, the length correction is computed from the length
> stored in the tool table.
> > 7)how do you use machine offset coordinates?
> There are a number of ways to use this. The generic part offset is
> set to X=0 Y=0 at the lower left corner, for instance, and then all
> coordinates are the same as you would measure from that corner
> with a caliper. But, you might have a fixture with a known offset
> from a nice corner on the fixture to a hard to measure feature on
> the part. Instead of having to make difficult alignment to that
> feature, you use an edge finder on the edges of the fixture, and
> enter to offset that is built into the fixture. Another use of the
> multiple offsets is to machine several parts that are mounted to
> a multi-part fixture with the same program. the program only
> knows coordinates base on the part, but a different work offset is
> programmed for the reference location of each part.
> > 8)do I generally want to keep <V> const. contour off or on?
> This is specific to the CNC control. If you have any cuts that
> consist of many short line segments, then you probably want this
> on. I'm guessing from the name that this allows the machine to move
> smoothly from one line segment to the next, as long as they are
> nearly in the same direction.
> Jon

Discussion Thread

tauseef 2000-12-07 16:07:32 UTC Cncpro/Gcode tauseef 2000-12-08 20:51:39 UTC Re: Cncpro/Gcode Jon Elson 2000-12-08 23:25:30 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Cncpro/Gcode tauseef 2000-12-09 01:10:04 UTC Re: Cncpro/Gcode ballendo@y... 2000-12-09 16:06:24 UTC re:Cncpro/Gcode cnc002@a... 2000-12-09 17:36:19 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Cncpro/Gcode