Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re: little bitta dos was Re: CncPRO files
Posted by
Rich D.
on 2000-12-14 18:30:28 UTC
Ballendo, et al,
A VERY handy DOS program to do all this painlessly (semi windows like)
is Norton's "Norton Commander". Load it via your autoexec.bat file
an it pops up automaticly from any directory to allow file swapping,
copying, viewing, editing, etc, etc. It's a dirt simple program to use,
but very effective. Mouse supported, too. Don't know if it's still sold tho.
Windows does not seem to be bothered by it.
Rich D.
ballendo@... wrote:
-==Rich=-=Colorado Midland Railway=-=<>
A VERY handy DOS program to do all this painlessly (semi windows like)
is Norton's "Norton Commander". Load it via your autoexec.bat file
an it pops up automaticly from any directory to allow file swapping,
copying, viewing, editing, etc, etc. It's a dirt simple program to use,
but very effective. Mouse supported, too. Don't know if it's still sold tho.
Windows does not seem to be bothered by it.
Rich D.
ballendo@... wrote:
> Carey wrote:
> >I hate to admit this ,but most of what I ever knew about dos has
> >long been forgotten. Unfortunately I am not one of those fortunate
> >ones who remembers everything that they have ever learned. With
> >windows I can do it all with a few mouse clicks. It would be nice if
> >I could go get a file without leaving CNCPro. Doug?
> Carey,
> Don't feel bad, most of us don't remember what we don't use :-)
> First, how about SAVING the file (while in windows) TO the
> CncPRO 'gcode' directory?!? Then it WILL ALREADY be there when
> you 'goto' DOS! You can 'rename' the file ext. to the .TXT CncPRO
> requires at the same time.
> Or...
> In DOS, there are three commands worth committing to memory, IMO.
> DIR, CD, and COPY. REN (rename can also be useful) If you type these
> commands followed by a slash and question mark, as in DIR/? , DOS
> will list the format/syntax of the command. Realise this will show
> EVERY option; you often just need the simplest version!
> DIR will list the contents of a directory (think folder, it's the
> same thing). I nearly ALWAYS type DIR/w/o/p , which returns to me the
> W ide listing, in O rder, and one P age (screen of text) at a time.
> CD is shorthand for 'change directory'. Or 'current directory'. Type
> cd, then a space, then the name of the folder you want. It works just
> like the mouse clicks in windows, but instead of selecting, you have
> to type. And go one 'level' at a time. To go backwards one level,
> type cd.. ,to go "all the way" back, type cd\
> COPY does what its' name implies. It's the same as a copy,paste
> operation in windows. An easy way to relate this to windows is to
> think of the 'browse' dialog. You ARE at some place that you want
> something. You start to 'look' for it, descending level by level,
> until you find it, then you 'bring' it to where you are. ...Copy it
> to where you are. For example, You want a file in the 'Drawing'
> folder of your 'MYcamPkg' folder on the 'C'drive to use as a toolpath
> for CncPRO. You type 'cd gcode'(move to the destination folder which
> CncPRO has specified is the place for toolpath files). Then type
> Copy C:\mycampkg\drawing\ where the x's are the name of
> the file you want. Dos will respond '1 file copied' (if it can find
> the file you asked for).
> Hope this abbreviated instruction is useful.
> Ballendo
> P.S. Dos does not care if things are capital letters or not. You will
> save yourself a lot of hassle if you can keep toolpath and directory
> names to 8 letters or digits. DOS can (natively) only deal with 8
> letter/digit names. Because of this, windows will 'truncate' longer
> names to the first letters, plus the tilde(~), followed by a number.
> If your names are not defined by the first 5 or six letters, you may
> get the wrong file!
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-==Rich=-=Colorado Midland Railway=-=<>