CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

re:g-code request

Posted by ballendo@y...
on 2001-01-01 18:27:41 UTC
terry wrote:
>i have searched for detailed information
>concerning g-code dialects/flavours and
>have come up empty. i thought perhaps members
>of this list would be able to help in finding
>the desired information.
>what i am looking for is detailed information
>concerning the different dialects/flavours of
>g-code that are out there.


Good Luck! We had a fairly detailed thread about this awhile back. I
even created a Gcodes egroup to facilitate the process. Paul C joined
and sent some 'flavors'. Several others I talked to who have the
detailed info necessary chose not to get involved.

The problem, IMO, is that there are benefits in some circles to the
gcode confusion. (details were discussed on this list earlier) Those
who are MOST in the position of 'fixing' the problem fall into 2 main
groups. CNC machine owners, and CNC machine manufacturers/supporters.

The owners don't see any 'immediate' personal benefit to a 'MORE
standard' gcode standard. They may give you a listing, or even
better, let you copy the details from a machinery manual, but they
really don't want to be bothered, since...

The manufacturers and 'support companies' make money BECAUSE there
ARE so many 'flavors'. Have you priced a commercial gcode POST
lately?!?(post processor, which IS a dialect translator. Used to
output from the CAM program to the machine). $$$ka-ching!
Additionally, the variations are 'painted' in a direction which makes
the manufacturer seem "better than the competition".

Some manufacturers, in response, ARE 'opening' up, but not at the
gcode level. Republic, for example, will put ANY control you want on
their machine! So you don't have to learn new code, or buy new

Additionally, the differences are not as simple as just a listing
would suggest. Many 'standard' codes, like G02, or G04, will be
different in the structure, labeling, or definition of parameters.
Beyond this, the differences are many and sometimes large.

EMC used allen-bradleys' 'flavor' of gcode initially, and have set
out into uncharted territory since :-( ... (even when there WAS a
STANDARD code to use, IMO) The A/B 'flavor' is NOT as prevalent or
accepted as, Say Fanuc(longtime provider), or HAAS(large sales

How many different flavors. Hundreds, definitely! Thousands, probably.

Hope this helps.


P.S. The gcodes egroup is still there and if it picks up steam, I
will support it.

>i have sent off requests to the two i have
>found so far, for detailed information concerning
>their dialect/flavour of g-code. i have not
>heard from either of them and i am hoping that
>the reason has been the holidays and not that
>my request was filed in the circular file.

>i plan on visiting several machine shops in
>the area <snip>perhaps they would be willing and able to
>provide copies of the programming guides for
>the dialects/flavours of g-code they are using.

>as a side request, would anyone want to hazard
>a guess as to how many dialects/flavours of
>g-code there are out the in the world?
>Terry L. Ridder

Discussion Thread

Paul Corner 2001-01-01 06:01:12 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] g-code request ballendo@y... 2001-01-01 18:27:41 UTC re:g-code request Smoke 2001-01-01 20:56:25 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:g-code request Matt Shaver 2001-01-01 21:15:19 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:g-code request ballendo@y... 2001-01-01 21:15:21 UTC re:Re: re:g-code request Paul Corner 2001-01-02 12:37:22 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: re:g-code request Smoke 2001-01-02 12:38:27 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] re:Re: re:g-code request