CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: 640 x 480 Resolution Problem

Posted by Bob Bachman
on 1999-07-29 20:30:33 UTC

One of the problems you may run into with 640/480 res. is not seeing all of
a window.
When I tried to run Tim's rt install script in 640/480 res. I found I could
see the 4 buttons at the bottom of the Xconfig Window. These buttons are
needed to load and save Tim's config file. Even worse, there is no way to
exit that
screen short of ctrl/alt/bkspc (or worse yet - reset) since one of the
buttons is the
exit button. Now it gets really ugly! When you try to rerun Tim's script,
it finds
the partially installed components and stops to ask if you want to use or
each one. Since I didn't know the right answers, I threw up my hands and
all over with a new install of linux.

(I have surprised and embarrassed myself with some of the
I have come up with trying to install linux, rt, & emc.)

Perhaps someone on the list can tell us how to run Xconfig as a test first
running the T/script.

Good luck,


At 05:36 PM 7/29/99 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Patrick Huss" <patrick@...>
> This is
>>particularly true when running the windowing environment (X Windows),
>>which is virtually required for the EMC.
>This raises another question I have, I've got the VGA16 Xserver running with
>a generic monitor. I don't encounter many difficulties in using X, but I
>wonder whether this will make a difference with xEMC? Do I NEED to get a
>better video setup before I try EMC?
> This, combined with the
>>differences in how 486s handle memory, make them much more difficult to
>>set up and use than Pentium machines. The main difference in setup as
>>far as the EMC is concerned is the fact that 486s can only set aside up
>>to, but not including, 1 MB of RAM. The EMC only uses about 500 KB so
>>this is not a problem.
>>Has anyone succeeded in using a 486 with the EMC?
>>I posted some details on how it should be done earlier. I stuck it at
>>the end of this message, in case anyone wants to try.
>>------------previous post-----------
>>Regarding setting up Linux/RT Linux and shared memory on a 486 with 64
>>MB of RAM..., note that there is a pitfall with 486s and
>>shared memory: you can only allocate up to, BUT NOT INCLUDING, 1 MB of
>>shared memory. Fortunately the EMC data structure only occupies about
>>500K so this is not a problem. Set aside 768K so the numbers are easier,
>>which means bumping up the set-aside by 256K = 0x40000.
>>To set up LILO for this, you need make the /etc/lilo.conf append line be
>> ...
>> append="mem=0x3F40000"
>>Note that you can use the "0x" notation instead of the "m" or "M"
>>Next, change the (or whatever you call you run script) to pass
>>this to the motion controller via insmod, e.g.,
>># install motion module in kernel
>>echo "installing motion module..."
>>insmod -f plat/rtlinux_09J/lib/steppermod.o SHMEM_BASE_ADDRESS=0x3F40000
>>And finally, make the corresponding change in the INI file, e.g.,
>>This 3-part harmony sets aside the shared memory at boot time, tells the
>>motion controller what it is, and tells the task level controller what
>>it is. Note that the motion controller can't read INI files so we have
>>to live with passing it as a symbol=value argument to insmod.
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Discussion Thread

Bob Bachman 1999-07-29 20:30:33 UTC Re: 640 x 480 Resolution Problem Tim Goldstein 1999-07-29 20:33:41 UTC RE: 640 x 480 Resolution Problem