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Another Probe or 3D model development link

Posted by Andrew Werby
on 2001-01-21 11:56:53 UTC
"Fred Smith" <imserv@...> wrote:
Subject: Another Probe or 3D model development link

This one has tactile feedback. A little more sophisticated than some
of the simple digitizers like the Microscribe or Faro arms:

Best Regards,

Fred Smith

[This is a very cool tool, but it's not a digitizer. What this does is
allow you to "sculpt" freely in space, either in additive or subtractive
mode, and be able to "feel" the virtual 3d object you're working on, due to
variable resistance in the joints of the arm. As well as freehand
sculpting, it allows you to import objects, either from a digitizer or 3d
modeling program, and work on them utilizing the sense of touch. Not cheap
though, and it requires one heckuva computer to run on.

Actually, the Microscribe and Faro arms have even better tactile feedback,
since you are touching an actual object.]

Andrew Werby

Andrew Werby - United Artworks
Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff

Discussion Thread

Fred Smith 2001-01-20 16:42:50 UTC Another Probe or 3D model development link Andrew Werby 2001-01-21 11:56:53 UTC Another Probe or 3D model development link