CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Rigid tapping: how is it done

Posted by Jon Elson
on 1999-08-02 23:21:01 UTC
David L Anderson wrote:

> From: David L Anderson <daveland@...>
> People have made comments to about "rigid" tapping. Can anyone provide a meaningful
> description with an example?
> What features must a CNC mill have to do rigid tapping?
> Can EMC do rigid tapping?

Rigid tapping means the spindle of the machine must advance precisely one thread pitch
for each revolution of the spindle. It must also stay in sync when the spindle motor stops
and reverses, to back the tap out of the hole. This means a machine with minimum
backlash, and a position encoder on the spindle. The programming is VERY similar
to the way a CNC lathe is programmed to cut threads.

I don't know of any machines currently running EMC with spindle encoders, although
somebody recently set up a lathe running under EMC. But, a previous incarnation
of EMC did run a VMC with rigid tapping. I believe that was at GM Powertrain.


Discussion Thread

David L Anderson 1999-08-02 17:19:59 UTC Rigid tapping: how is it done PTENGIN@x... 1999-08-02 19:30:11 UTC Re: Rigid tapping: how is it done Jon Elson 1999-08-02 23:21:01 UTC Re: Rigid tapping: how is it done