CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Bridgeport Series 1 Spindle Ball Screw

Posted by fuddham@a...
on 2001-02-23 15:53:02 UTC
I posted earlier about need a new ball screw and nut for the
spindle on a Series 1 CNC mill. I was given a contact, but he did
not reply to my e-mail. I took the head off and took the nut off.
The ball bearings had somehow gotten past the return pipes and went
on up the nut and screw. There is also a hole in side of the nut
where a screw goes that holds a clamp to hold one of the return tubes
to the outside of the nut. Since there are two return tubes and only
one of the hold-down screws shows on the inside of the nut, I assume
that this was a defective nut from the start.
Does Bridgeport still have parts for the Series 1 CNC? Wher can
I turn for a replacement or help?


Scott Hamilton

Discussion Thread

fuddham@a... 2001-02-23 15:53:02 UTC Bridgeport Series 1 Spindle Ball Screw Jon Elson 2001-02-23 22:48:34 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Bridgeport Series 1 Spindle Ball Screw