CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE; Lasers

Posted by ron ginger
on 2001-03-14 16:47:30 UTC
About a year ago I got very excited about building a laser. There was
a group on the net that had a joint project to built one, and they were
negotiating a deal with a vendor on the optics based on a group purchase
of something like 200 sets. I finally came to my senses before time to
put up the money, and realized I could never build everything I was
interested in.

There is a book published by TAB I think, that has all the details, I
found it at the local Barnes & Noble store, but I cant find my copy
right now to give the full title., 'building a laser' ispart of the

Nothing about it should be even modestly difficult for anyone with a

ron ginger

Discussion Thread

ron ginger 2001-03-14 16:47:30 UTC RE; Lasers