Re: Hercus Mill Help
Posted by
on 2001-03-28 06:48:15 UTC
First place I'd look for the cause of the failure is toward the motor from
the amp board. A short in the flex wiring, or swarf cutting the insulation,
bad brushes, accumulated graphite dust, stuff like that will cause many of
these amps to burn final transistors. There may also be some small-value
resistors that are used to sense current that will also blow from bad
Some amp manufacturers and machine tool builders didn't use very good
transistor protection in this critical area.
From: "Lloyd Stallkamp" <lloyd.stallkamp@...>
First place I'd look for the cause of the failure is toward the motor from
the amp board. A short in the flex wiring, or swarf cutting the insulation,
bad brushes, accumulated graphite dust, stuff like that will cause many of
these amps to burn final transistors. There may also be some small-value
resistors that are used to sense current that will also blow from bad
Some amp manufacturers and machine tool builders didn't use very good
transistor protection in this critical area.
From: "Lloyd Stallkamp" <lloyd.stallkamp@...>
>Help--We have a Hercus CNC mill (originally made in Australia I think) at
>the college where I teach and am having trouble--The servo driver board on
>the Y-axis keeps blowing--major power transistor failures among other
Discussion Thread
Lloyd Stallkamp
2001-03-27 18:45:59 UTC
Hercus Mill Help
2001-03-27 20:08:20 UTC
Re: Hercus Mill Help
Alison & Jim Gregg
2001-03-27 20:20:17 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Hercus Mill Help
Doug Fortune
2001-03-27 20:31:01 UTC
Hercus Mill Help
Sven Peter, TAD S.A.
2001-03-28 05:29:10 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Hercus Mill Help
2001-03-28 06:48:15 UTC
Re: Hercus Mill Help