CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

interesting links, plus one joke

Posted by wanliker@a...
on 2001-04-01 20:34:00 UTC
I just received this today, and think some on the list will find some of the
links interesting.

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(C) April 1, 2001

(Currently reaching 2,105 subscribers!)

Still our #1 favorite web site for electronics

Tech Humor:

Two tech-support employees working for a major software manufacturer are out
hunting and become lost. One of them says, “I’ll shoot up in the air three
times and see if someone comes to helps us”. He gets off three shots into the
air, but no one comes to help.

After a while, he shoots up in the air three more times. Still no one shows
up to help. He starts to shoot again and the other one says, “I really hope
it works this time, it’s getting dark, and we’re almost out of arrows.”

What’s new at

Add infrared wireless data communications to your next microcontroller
application with the Fire-Stick II. Visit our web site at for details.

Turn a 12-key matrix keypad into a wireless infrared data entry tool. Visit
our web site at for details.

Excellent Links:

We’re always on the lookout for new & interesting web sites relating to the
electronics industry, tutorials, and just plain fun stuff. Here are some of
our favorites.

Note: We have no affiliations with, and have not billed for advertising, any
of the web sites we provide links to here. We have simply found them to be
very useful, and educational in our quest for knowledge on the Net. If you
have links to your own personal or company web site, you think it would be of
interest to our subscribers, and would like for us to consider including a
link to it in an upcoming issue of Micro-News, please forward the URL to us
at: webmaster@...

Just about everything from A to Z & still one of our favorites:

Cool robotics projects & robot accessories:
This web site offers FREE hosting for your robot projects, and has plenty of
them to browse through for new ideas.

Flying toys, including blimps with RC control:

Servo wheels, gears, chains, and sprockets that attach directly to the servo

Electronics and embedded engineering:

Looking for a custom socket or adapter..? Look here first:

Links to more manufacturers application notes that I have ever seen in one

An excellent collection of schematics/circuits by Dave Johnson. Well worth
the visit:

Have you ever wondered how to get the most from an LED..?

Still the best (online) 8051 tutorials on the planet:

Have questions about the PIC microcontroller..? If it’s not here, ask someone
on the list. Someone will have the answer you’re looking for. Great
introductory for the beginner also.

Lots of information on using the Mini SSC II servo controllers with the MAC,
and Palm PDA:

BASIC programming software for the Palm PDA:

If you received a copy of Micro-News from a friend, and would like to
subscribe, please visit our web site at:

If you’re an existing subscriber, and would like to be removed from our
mailing list, please visit the same link above.

Our Privacy Policy.

Your email address is never shared, sold, or in any way given to anyone else,
for any reason – period. We enjoy our privacy just as much as the next
person, and treat everyone else exactly the same. It’s just that simple…..

Until the next Micro-News, enjoy………..;o]

Best regards,

Bruce Reynolds

Reynolds Electronics
633 N. 8th St.
Canon City, Co. 81212

Discussion Thread

wanliker@a... 2001-04-01 20:34:00 UTC interesting links, plus one joke