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SUCCESS!!! Got my Gecko/Camtronics Servo box working!

Posted by cadman@p...
on 2001-04-02 13:55:02 UTC
This weekend was the time to build my Camtronics servo Controller box
and use the Gecko G320's that I purchased. I asked a friend of mine
that is a student in a Electronics Engineering program. Boy I'm glad
I did. I'm purely a mechanical type person. It did take him all day
Saturday, but before dinner, we powered the three servos up and it

I'm not completely done yet. Dan forgot to send me some parts. I
asked him to send them but when they arrived on Saturday some were
still wrong. Nothing against Dan/Camtronics. The controller box is
the best! He must not have a good BOM to work from.

I still have some small work to do. I want to add a +5 VDC supply
inside the box. My friend said he would build me a simple circuit
that we could tap power from the large capacitor that is inside the
controller box.

If anyone is building this box with Gecko's, I'm going to add to my
web site a color-wiring diagram that should help with the connections.

I will have more questions for everyone after I purchase my
Drill/Mill. Thanks to all that has helped me.


Discussion Thread

cadman@p... 2001-04-02 13:55:02 UTC SUCCESS!!! Got my Gecko/Camtronics Servo box working!