CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: rapid G210 'overdrive' rates using logi c on header blocks

Posted by Tim Goldstein
on 2001-04-18 11:03:16 UTC
I am still at a loss to understand what this would do for me. The motor is
still moving the same number of microsteps so it will not change the torque
vs RPM of the motors. All that it would do is allow a resource intensive
interpreter program on a resource constrained computer to get a rapid feed
rate that is up to the limits of the motor/driver/power supply combination.
In the world of cheap systems we have today it is easier and likely less
expensive to just go to a faster computer. The other option is to go with a
less resource intensive interpreter program.

[Denver, CO]

> Hi Doug, Tim and the List,
> Adding a "gear box" to the G210 (G201&G901) sounds like a neat idea!
> Although it seems it would throw the acceleration tables and
> rate tables
> off! I still haven't figured out how to accommodate different uStep
> (1X, 2X, 4X, 5X, 10X) values. It's obvious that the 'X' counts
> calculate into the resolution of the stepper, and the rate table, but
> what to do about the acceleration? If the table is non-linear, you
> can't just "slide up the curve", can you?
> Alan KM6VV (in way over his head!)
> FAQ:

Discussion Thread

Tim Goldstein 2001-04-18 11:03:16 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: rapid G210 'overdrive' rates using logi c on header blocks