CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] an interesting material was Re: Hardinge

on 2001-04-21 18:55:09 UTC
"Sven Peter, TAD S.A." wrote:
> Smoke wrote:
> > Speaking of materials, another good one which is even stronger than cast
> > iron is cast alloy of cast iron.
> >
> > Smoke
> >
> I want to ad nodular cast. it is 3 times as tought as grey cast and you
> get profiles of shelf
> for perhaps 30 percent more then grey cast. And these profiles normally
> are ageed already.

I always thought that meehanite was just a process, not anything
different from ordinary cast iron. Nodular cast iron is also
quite good. My concern with cast iron is to obtain it in square,
round, rectangular, and round-cored. I've bought all these
shapes which are provided continuously cast by Wells Mfg. Co. If
you have the capability of casting iron yourself (or work in a
foundry like I used to), you can certainly try to get/make
something special. But generally a large volume of material is
needed to make a specialty casting melt worthwhile. Thus, I opt
for the off-the-shelf availability which covers much of my
needs. This is why I mentioned Dura Bar as a possibility. and why I mentioned Metal Mart
as a supplier of some of the Dura Bar products

The reasoning behind this comes from the hobbyist point of view,
where we don't need a large amount of stuff but frequently want
something of known quality with no-place to get it... Once you
begin to specify particulars, the price goes out of sight for
small quantities.

Regards to all,


Discussion Thread

Sven Peter, TAD S.A. 2001-04-21 09:38:46 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] an interesting material was Re: Hardinge Jerry Kimberlin 2001-04-21 18:55:09 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] an interesting material was Re: Hardinge Smoke 2001-04-22 18:58:04 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] an interesting material was Re: Hardinge