CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

snooping again

on 1999-08-31 11:34:39 UTC
Hi again,

As the subject tells, - I started on this in another mail, but got
carried away with the Linux&ISP hookup. The reason for the title is
that I would like to ask about CAD/CAM, and your uses for this. I
don't know much about this. I had some machine that I made myself,
and I used to draw stuff in Autocad. I had written the controller
myself, - so I read in HPGL files, and this would run the motors.
One design was with 5 axis, and I did several tricks to run the axis
( using more than one HPGL file ) The idea was to run servos
instead of step motors, - then I wanted to run servos, and found
out about Linux and EMC, - so here I am.

Okay, so I would like to ask you something.

1. CAD:

What is the best programs for doing this ? ( any platforms )

What do you use it for ?

What formats is best to use ?

What do you need in such a program ?

// Ok, this may sound stupid, but I would like to find something
that I could use under Linux, - and I don't want to spend a lot of
// The stuff I have been doing, was not any fancy 3d shapes, so I
don't have a clue how you work the CAD package.
// I know my questions are difficult, - but how should I find out
// You need circles, lines, - what more ?
// Then what is the interface to a CAM package ?
// I know AutoCad can output IGES and DXF + hpgl.
// Okay, here is what: Think of it as a wish list. What would you
like to have ?
// Then what user interface do you like ?

2. CAM:

What is the best programs for doing this ? ( any platforms )

What do you use it for ?

What formats is best to use ?

What do you need in such a program ?

// This is more or less the same as above. I have never used any
programs in this category, but I guess the basic thing is
// to produce G-codes. What else ?
// Does it show a part, - do you set cuts, or what ?


Is there any free programs to test ?
Is there any place I can pick up on the subject ?

Personally, I am just interested because I would like to learn a
little about what I should look for, - but when I have listened to
your discussions on the subject - I thought that this might be a
little helpful for others too. My problem is that I have never been
part of the process, as you have. Okay, - I guess I could draw
something in AutoCad, and then maybe follow the drawing and do a
job manually. In other words, - I would know a little about
drawing, and some knows a little about manual machining. This is
often the case, while with CAD/CAM/EMC we are talking of a complete
process. Even the division I just made, - is wrong. It should have
been called CAF or something. ( Computer Automated Fabrication ? )
The files from a drawing program to making the chips fly, - is just
an intermediate state, which is broken up in some file formats. If
you needed a format, why not make the G&M codes from the start ?

Anyway - I just ask some silly questions, and would like to
understand why you do things the way you do them, and what you think
is important features to have.

Last, - what do you think about the future ? Will you turn the parts
around as 3d solids, - a lump of clay you just twist and mold -
instead of drawing all the seperate lines ? That is, - would the
way I would work in AutoCad r10 or 12, be outdated ? Is there
better design tools ?


Discussion Thread

Arne Chr. Jorgensen 1999-08-31 11:34:39 UTC snooping again