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Re: Mill/drill head alignment

on 2001-04-24 09:19:37 UTC
ballendo@... wrote:

> P.P.S> Jerry, I don't care for the RF-45. Only 6 speeds. Gears to
> break down. But I DO realise it works well for some people. Do you
> know the MEW issue? (hopefully my previous post<g> will allow me to
> get a copy...)

The MEW #67, page 19-25 has the article. It is a rendition of
the older technique printed in Model Engineer on Aug 4th, 1980,
page 1013. The technique was patented at one time. David Urwick
was the inventor of the system, but I'm not sure he was the
patent holder.

As far as the RF-45 goes, about all I can say is that I would run
it off a VFD just as I do my Nichols horizontal/vertical miller.
The Nichols has 5 belt positions, and I only use one of them plus
the Hitachi SJ100 in 2hp. I'm sure the RF-45 could benefit from
the variable speed. Drew Rogge just bought one for his workplace
and as time goes on, we'll see how he likes it.


Discussion Thread

Jerry Kimberlin 2001-04-24 09:19:37 UTC Re: Mill/drill head alignment