CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


on 2001-06-26 19:20:28 UTC
Peter wrote: "Anyone like to pester Carl for real time simulation for
Deskam/DeskNCW? Currently, I am currently using "finger-time>
simulation". I now have very strong and nimble forefinger from right-
clicking on the mouse for "continuous" single step movements - poor
man's real time simulation!!!"

Hi Peter,

Carl has already implemented real-time simulation. But you must be
connected to his "black box" via the serial port. On the menu bar,
click on Mode and then select Control Center. With a NC program file
loaded, click on the button [GO]. You should then see
the "tool" "fly". (took me a lunch break to finish 1 simulation)

If you don't have the patience that I have, you should try these:

i. Change the feed rate (F___)in the NC program to something faster
ii. On the menu bar, click on Setup>load Parameter File, and in the
parameter files, for the x and y axis (perhaps also the z-axis)change
the "step/mm" to a lower value
iii. In the parameter filesfor the x and y axis (perhaps also the z-
axis)change the Max SPS (maximum steps per second, I think) to a
higher value)

When you next run your real-time simulation, you should see
the "tool" fly. But DO REMEMBER to change the parameters back to
appropriate values before you do any actual cutting, otherwise you
may see some tools as well as other things really fly.

"Anyone like to pester Carl for real time simulation"

If you really want to pester Carl, you should perhaps pester him for
something like a "simulation accelerator" where you have a dialog box
to set the acceleration/multiplication factor without having to
change the actual parameter files.

Hope you are enjoying playing with Carl's software as much as I do
(and of that I am very sure)

Peter Too

To Afogassa, etc,

How are you doing with the DeskWinNC?

Discussion Thread

Tim Goldstein 2001-06-14 11:55:48 UTC DeskWinNC afogassa@y... 2001-06-14 12:14:26 UTC Re: DeskWinNC afogassa@y... 2001-06-14 12:20:07 UTC Re: DeskWinNC Tim Goldstein 2001-06-14 14:45:24 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: DeskWinNC cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-26 19:20:28 UTC DeskWinNC cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-26 19:23:36 UTC DeskWinNC cadcamcenter@y... 2001-06-26 19:32:10 UTC DeskWinNC afogassa@y... 2001-06-26 22:57:10 UTC Re: DeskWinNC