CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC Help Me Please!!!!

Posted by Jon Elson
on 2001-08-02 20:55:11 UTC
cnc@... wrote:

> Hello All
> Just installed rtlinux-3.0 and this seems to be fuctioning from the
> examples, on a Redhat7 Dist.
> The kernel = 2.2.19 (which is less thatn the original Redhat7 kernel
> 2.2.22).
> Downloaded the EMC emc-1.1-17.src.tar
> Unpacked it!
> Ran the ./install script which I think suceeded with only minor
> warnings.
> When attempting to run ./ I get the following error :
> The current real-time platform appears to be 2_2_19 but no directory
> exists for this platform.
> Either install EMC for this platform or create a symbolic link to an
> existing platform.
> Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated before I pull out
> all my hair!
> Also does Emc run on this kernel version and rtlinux3.0 ?

It SHOULD run on this version, I think. There are not likely to be many
changes in the RT stuff, and everything else should be quite stable between
those kernel versions.

The problem is that the EMC build procedure uses the kernel version as a
part of the directory names it creates the executable code into. So, the
run scripts
were expecting files to be at locations like
and they are in blahblah/rtlinux_2_2_22/bin/xx.o instead. The simplest way
for a non-expert to fix this is to go into the ini file that you are using
(the first
executable line of the run file you are using, in this case,
specifies the
name of the ini file like this :

INIFILE = emc.ini )

and edit the lines that say :

PLAT = linux_2_2_19 to say linux_2_2_22

and the line that says :

PLAT = rtlinux??? to have the correct directory name for the real time
of emc. In the plat subdirectory of the main emc directory, there should be

3 directories. one will be something like linux_2_2_22, one will be
rtlinux_something, and one will
be java. I think it should be pretty clear what changes you want to make to
the various PLAT variables to point to the corresponding directories in your

There are other ways to fake this with a link in the file system, using the
ln command,
but it is a little confusing if you are not real familiar with Linux or Unix
file systems.

Once you get past this, you will hopefully have an EMC window up on the
screen, and
then come back here for help getting it out of E-stop!


Discussion Thread

cnc@p... 2001-08-02 10:55:15 UTC EMC Help Me Please!!!! Jon Elson 2001-08-02 20:55:11 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC Help Me Please!!!!