CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] power supply for stepper motors

Posted by Tim
on 2001-08-09 11:30:53 UTC
This power supply should work fine for any of the Geckodrive drivers as
long as the voltage is apporpriate for your motors and the amperage is
sufficent. The resistors are likely there as current limiters for the
indexer which is likely not a chopper type unit. If you use the Gecko
G2XX drivers you will not need the power resistors.

I would be wary of using Gecko G3X0 servo drives with a plasma cutter.
It seems difficult enough to eliminate interference on the encoders on a
mill and it will only be worse with a plasma torch.

[Denver, CO]

> -----Original Message-----
> Hi all. I have a power supply that I got from a scrap yard.It is made
> by superior electric model MPS3000A. Output is 24v dc 10A. It has a
> slo-syn type PIM151 indexer module attached. It works fine, using a
> bcd thumbwheel type switch which it was connected to. I am also
> building a plasma gantry table,and intend to replace the pim151 with
> another style bipolar driver, such as geckos. My question is do I
> still need to use the pair of very large power resistors which came
> with this older setup,and why were they there in the first place? And
> is this an appropriate power supply for the geckos? Would this power
> supply also work with gecko 320s or 340s if I go the servo
> rout.I have
> been pulling steppers and servos from old copy machines in the
> scrapyard and have good selection.
> Thank you. Donn
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Discussion Thread

donn@w... 2001-08-09 11:08:25 UTC power supply for stepper motors Tim 2001-08-09 11:30:53 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] power supply for stepper motors Weyland 2001-08-09 15:23:10 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] power supply for stepper motors