CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Re: EMC simulation, etc.

Posted by Paul Corner
on 1999-09-27 13:57:10 UTC
On Mon, 27 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> From: Fred Proctor <proctor@...>
> I plan on writing conversational programming scripts for doing
> form-fill-in or graphical assist of setting up common operations, like
> tricky cutter compensation, pocket milling, etc.

Hi Fred

I've down loadfed and got emc-17-sept up and running - I do like the way the
.ini files have been rewriten, a lot easier to understand what each IO is used
for. I wish I had seen it befor I posted my last question about PAR_PORT.

Whilst you asked for conversational scripts, I would like to suggest a few
more G codes :
G29 3 axis tool offset
G33 Thread cutting cycle
G45 Rectangular pocket cycle
G46 Irregular pocket cycle
G104 Spline interpolation for 3D curves

A really useful instruction would be for subroutines in the form of Lnnnnrr
where nnnn is the jump address and rr is the number of repeats. eg :

N0135 L200012 - Jump to line 2000 and repeat 12 times
N2000 G91 X1.00
N2005 G82........
N2010 L0 - end of subroutine - return to calling address+1

A subroutine function would make G45 and G46 redundant, an alternative would be
to use lables instead of call addresses. If this included parameter passing, it
gives the machine programer the prospect of implimenting his own G codes and
canned cycles.
How easy this would be to impliment, I don't know perhaps you could give me a
few pointers - I might be able to get a colleague to do some programming ( if
your user licence extends that far ).

Regards, Paul

BTW One thing that would be really useful would be a dependency file list for
us Linux newbies.

Discussion Thread

Fred Proctor 1999-09-17 15:04:29 UTC EMC simulation, etc. Ron Ginger 1999-09-19 20:41:22 UTC Re: EMC simulation, etc. Fred Proctor 1999-09-27 09:47:59 UTC Re: Re: EMC simulation, etc. Paul Corner 1999-09-27 13:57:10 UTC Re: Re: EMC simulation, etc.