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BDI Install question

Posted by Ethan Vos
on 2001-08-14 04:20:31 UTC
Good morning all.

I attempted install the BDI last night. Everything was going smoothly until
I got to the part where it copied the files and the help file on the side
said to go get a coffee because it may take 15 or 20 minutes.

It copied the files over in 2:46 but the "next" button did not light up.
That was last night at 9:45 pm. This morning at 6:10 am, I have the same
screen. I know that Linux is particular about shutdown so what do I do now?

What are the possible causes of the computer hanging?

P3 750.


Discussion Thread

Ethan Vos 2001-08-14 04:20:31 UTC BDI Install question