CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: Digest Number 186

Posted by Elliot Burke
on 1999-09-29 08:40:51 UTC
Thinking of robot operating machines, Computer Motion, of Santa Barbara CA,
just announce that a baby was born to a woman who had a tubal ligation
reversed with their operating robot. This was done endoscopically. The
machine is voice activated, a really nice piece of work. They have several
versions, one just holds and positions an endoscope for a surgeon,
controlled via voice. The other performs itsy bitsy operations.
Its been a few years since I've seen one of them, but it was a fairly
conventional robot, with lots of joints in the arms. A friend designed the
first generation of them, and I had a good look inside.

Could EMC have voice input? ' Stop! Now reverse! OOPS! '

A hexapod would have trouble with some motions, wouldn't it? For example,
rotating a part 360�?

Elliot Burke

>Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 28 Sep 1999 10:30:04 +0100
> From: "Ian Wright" <Ian@...>
>Subject: Re: EMC Problem
>Hi Brian,
>No problem, I just get excited too quickly! Since I want to ultimately
>control 5 axes, anything which suggests this might be possible gets my
>immediate attention. I have looked at several hexapod sites and, whilst I
>can see that they are fun to play with, I haven't yet worked out how they
>are better than conventional tools. Having just written that, however, one
>use has come to mind in the medical field where perhaps such a tool, linked
>to a video feedback system, could be used to maintain the position of a
>over a moving body although they would have to knock me out well and truly
>before posting me into such a machine!! ;o) Perhaps a bit of explanation of
>the theory and reasoning behind hexapods would benefit us all - the web
>sites are a bit sparse in this respect.

>Ian W. Wright
>Sheffield UK

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Register <register76@...>
To: <>
Sent: 28 September 1999 00:55
Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] EMC Problem

Discussion Thread

Elliot Burke 1999-09-29 08:40:51 UTC RE: Digest Number 186