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Re: Thinkpad

Posted by beer@s...
on 2001-08-28 11:26:08 UTC
On 28 Aug, Don Carlson wrote:
> Alan: Thanks for the info. Downloaded ps2 and it worked as advertised. I
> forgot to look at the setting before I set it to Uni.However, that did not
> correct the problem. It works correctly when CNCpro first loaded. But after
> shutting down and then restarting it will not control the mill.
> I am at a loss as to what to do. Doug has been of no help. Guess will have
> to get another computer. Works fine on my HP pc but I got the laptop for
> use on the bench.
> Thanks again, Don

I have several Thinkpads at home running machines, both in the shop
and on the bench ( I'm an electronics kinda guy ), from machines older
than yours to a machine newer than yours. CNCPro has been used
successfully on all them.

Initially, I had problems just as you describe, but eventually, all
worked out, so don't despair.

I'm assuming that the machine boots to DOS. This is important, as
going into Windows and then to DOS/WindowsDOS can "flip the switch" on
the parallel port.

I'm also assuming that the various Limit/Estop settings inside of
CNCPro setup are disabled.

Last assumption is that there is nothing in the CONFIG.SYS or
AUTOEXEC.BAT to screw things up, because there ARE programs that will
do so.

If you're not sure about how to check this, get back to me.

One obvious thing to try is to ZIP up the entire CNCPro directory from
the HP and move it to the Thinkpad. This assures yourself that MOST of
the settings are correct for the hardware you're trying to control.
( Bit assignments, speeds, limit switch settings etc )

The next thing to do is to double-check the mode of the Parallel port
after a reboot.


Let's hope that after setting it to UNI, it stays that way.

It's POSSIBLE that a weak battery could cause the settings to be
lost. My oldest Thinkpad needs the time and date .. and everything
else .. set EVERY time now.

Finally, check the actual address of the parallel port. The BEST way to
do this is via DEBUG. Hopefully, your version of DOS on the Thinkpad
still includes the debug command. At a DOS prompt, type


and press ENTER. ( Forgive me if I'm overly simplistic here .. I give
instructions of this sort at work all day long and find it best to shoot
for the simplest of users )

C:\> debug (ENTER)

You'll get the ever so friendly





and press ENTER.

You'll see something like

-d 0040:8
0040:0000 78 03 00 00 00 00 80 9F x.......
0040:0010 67 C4 00 7C 02 28 80 20-00 00 36 00 36 00 75 16 g..|.(. ..6.6.u.
0040:0020 67 22 0D 1C 64 20 20 39-30 0B 30 0B 34 05 30 0B g"..d
0040:0030 3A 27 38 09 0D 1C 0D 1C-64 20 65 12 62 30 00 80 :'8.....d e.b0..
0040:0040 00 00 FF 01 F7 01 00 E0-C8 03 50 00 00 10 00 00 ..........P.....
0040:0050 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0040:0060 07 06 00 D4 03 29 30 03-00 00 C8 FF A1 24 0B 00 .....)0......$..
0040:0070 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00-14 14 14 28 01 01 01 01 ...........(....
0040:0080 1E 00 3E 00 18 10 00 60 ..>....`

The parallel port address is given in the first line. In this case,
the address is 378 hexadecimal. The byte order is reversed, and shows
as 78 03

0040:0000 78 03

but that's the way debug works. Quit debug by typing Q and pressing

Now doublecheck that this address is what CNCPro wants to see.

Hope this helps.



Alan Rothenbush | The Spartans do not ask the number of the
Academic Computing Services | enemy, only where they are.
Simon Fraser University |
Burnaby, B.C., Canada | Agix of Sparta

Discussion Thread

beer@s... 2001-08-28 11:26:08 UTC Re: Thinkpad