CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by carlcnc@e...
on 2001-09-01 07:28:10 UTC
I acquired some machines that are run by Delta-Tau PCMAC controllers
of a couple flavors including some add on cards,
Does anyone have experience with Delta-Tau ?
Given that the machines were probably not set up for Gcode operator
interface,how and where can I acquire thier NC software?
Is said NC package going to cost a bundle?
Are these cards and their software set up as "proprietary" ie;
Can I only use Delta-Tau with Delta-Tau?
Seems a shame to have 99% of a real servo control and not be able to
utilize them!


Discussion Thread

carlcnc@e... 2001-09-01 07:28:10 UTC Delta-Tau