CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Master5 Speed Calibration Wizard.

Posted by Art Fenerty
on 2001-09-15 06:15:54 UTC
Hi All:

For those that have had problems tuning their systems with Master5, I have added a speed calibration wizard. (it was actually suggested by Doug Fortune, so I'll give him credit here), you just tell it to move, answer questions about the movement, and a Ceiling/Floor algorithm will compute the ideal movement velocities, acceleration profiles and trajectory speeds necessary for high speed movement, low speed movement is calculated from there. It even sped up my system and I thought I knew how to calibrate my system manually.

The JPG and BMP interface is nearing completion as well for a release very soon, it allows you to import any picture, photograph, etc, and select size and depth to engrave it, or translate it to G-Code for later engraving. It will ( when complete) engrave the photo in a spiral, square, raster, or pincusion mode as well as line width diffusion.

Art ( Master5ATP is no longer Beta! )

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Art Fenerty 2001-09-15 06:15:54 UTC Master5 Speed Calibration Wizard.