CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: lathe control

Posted by machines@n...
on 2001-09-19 07:42:44 UTC
--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "Tom Eldredge" <harmonyt@r...> wrote:
> Gentlemen,
> I have been asked to retrofit a Turn-X C super chucker lathe
with a broken Dynapath 5 control and Getty Servos. The owner says
that the servo motors have brushes and
> I think the spindle is manufactured by Getty,driven by a type M350
3 ph half wave drive? Sounds like a DC spindle. I am going to go
have a look at it on Monday to see for myself.
> I have lately been out doing building remodeling to feed the
family, so am glad for the opportunity to do another CNC job.
> The retrofitted lathe must be able to cut threads under CNC
control. I would like some feed back regarding my best option for a
CNC control. I have done a retrofit with Ah Ha, but I think that
customer is not real pleased with the control. I believe he had tool
compensation problems that were unresolved, and I don't know what
kind of support Ah Ha has anymore.
> Does anyone have any general comments regarding retroffiting
this lathe?
> Can the EMC be configured to be a good lathe control including
thread cutting?
As far as I am aware and hopefully someone will correct me if I'm
wrong at the moment only Ahha and Microkinetics can do spindle
encoding and therefore threading.
There are a lot of folk out there using Ahha on lathes in a fully
commercial enviroment. It may be well worth asking for some advise on
the tool compensation.
I don't use or run CNC lathes so can't comment but try aking this
question on

John Stevenson

Discussion Thread

Tom Eldredge 2001-09-19 06:25:53 UTC lathe control machines@n... 2001-09-19 07:42:44 UTC Re: lathe control Ray 2001-09-19 15:56:21 UTC Re: lathe control Tom Eldredge 2001-09-21 04:19:54 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: lathe control