CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Site to Compliment The Home Machinist BBS

on 2001-10-07 09:22:28 UTC
I moderate the Chaski HSM Site:

Its been a valuable resource for home shop hobbyists and since its
moderated, its managed not to get out of hand. I don't own the site,
but the site owner has been amiable to upgrades and the like. When I
approached him about starting up a site for Home CNC Hobbyists, he
made it so. Its just another resource, there are lots of great folks
here with tons of knowledge and experience, vendors like Gecko and
Ahha! would be welcome as well. Just stop by and see if you can lend a
hand and like wise maybe someone can lend a hand to you.

It is a public forum, membership not required, certainly not meant to
infringe on this site. I think niche will be the newbies.

Here is a link to the new CNC site:

Discussion Thread

Marty Escarcega 2001-10-07 09:22:28 UTC Site to Compliment The Home Machinist BBS