Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] turning loooonnnnng skinny tapers.
Posted by
on 2001-10-12 07:16:35 UTC
If your going with the 3 bearing set-up, it will work better if you build it
with all three supports (bearings optional) powered by small air or
hydraulic cylinders. This equalizes the force around the shaft and keeps
the part centered. It works VERY WELL when used as a traveling steady rest.
By offsetting the tailstock or using a taper attachment, you can cut any
taper you want within the capabilities of the machine. You won't have top
worry about wearing the bearings out as much due to side forces either.
An alternate method for offsetting the tailstock would be to mount a small
fixture in the tailstock ram which allows you to move center only in a
horizontal direction. This will eliminate having to realign the tailstock
when the job is completed.
with all three supports (bearings optional) powered by small air or
hydraulic cylinders. This equalizes the force around the shaft and keeps
the part centered. It works VERY WELL when used as a traveling steady rest.
By offsetting the tailstock or using a taper attachment, you can cut any
taper you want within the capabilities of the machine. You won't have top
worry about wearing the bearings out as much due to side forces either.
An alternate method for offsetting the tailstock would be to mount a small
fixture in the tailstock ram which allows you to move center only in a
horizontal direction. This will eliminate having to realign the tailstock
when the job is completed.
> Consider also, as an alternative, a 3 bearing travelling roller steadythat
> you can adjust to zero clearance on the stock. A heavy spring on one ofthe
> legs will accomodate for variations in the stock diameter along itslength.
> The side load will be murder on the bearings though.
Discussion Thread
Marcus & Eva
2001-10-11 22:01:20 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] turning loooonnnnng skinny tapers.
2001-10-12 07:16:35 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] turning loooonnnnng skinny tapers.
Marcus & Eva
2001-10-12 19:12:43 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] turning loooonnnnng skinny tapers.
2001-10-12 21:10:02 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] turning loooonnnnng skinny tapers.