CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Corel Draw

Posted by Dale Smith
on 2001-11-22 09:14:12 UTC
You have touched a subject near and dear to my heart.... unfortunately, it
missed my center of knowledge.
I have been using Corel Draw since V1.x and can still list many more things
I don't know than I do know about it. I use it for pre-press work and have
longed for the time to explore other capabilities.

This includes Corel Dream Ray 3-D which I have not even installed yet. It is
supposed to have some pretty impressive 3-d capabilities and I have heard a
lot of good things, seen a lot of great work from it but have never used it.
It should do everything you ever wanted to do but the issue of file
interchange is completely open. I do know that Corel products generally
offer excellent file interchange capability but what did they do here? It is
a standard component of Corel draw and should be on your disc.

Matter of fact, I have yet to explore the CAD features of Corel Draw. They
seem to be pretty good (from reading about them) but have put off testing
them because my own CAD/CAM efforts are still some way from needing to
generate drawings. I'm still trying to make sense of steppers and servos..

I can appreciate your interest in continuing to use Corel. Any software as
capable has quite a learning curve and not starting all over with a totally
new interface would seem to make up for some potential loss of features.

Since you are obviously much ahead of me on Corel's CAD features, why not
give the 3D component a try and let us know how it works.

W. Dale Smith

> But how do you make the jump up to 3D? Right now, I can draw
> something in Corel Draw, save as a DXF file, convert to G-code, and
> away I go. My drawings are 2-D. I would REALLY prefer to stay with
> Corel Draw if I can (instead of AutoCad) but I'd like to try 3D. Do I
> have to draw differently, essentially a 3D drawing? Does anyone know
> if this can be done in Corel Draw?

Discussion Thread

Dale Smith 2001-11-22 09:14:12 UTC Corel Draw Rick Miller 2001-11-22 12:38:53 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Corel Draw