CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

I am setting up a Knowledgebase to collect info on Dolphin CAD/CAM and Small Machines like the Sherline

Posted by glee@i...
on 2001-12-23 19:24:14 UTC
Hi folks,

As I venture into this new world of CAD/CAM/CNC I have collected quite a
bit of useful information along the way.

Since I have decided upon Dolphin as my CAD/CAM application to use with my
Sherline Mill to make small robot parts, I am now focused on learning what
I can about CAD/CAM and Dolphin in particular.

I have been fortunate to have met several people along the way who have
sent me information, helpful hints and even some tutorials.

Since I find that I learn best and will retain info if I have to write it
down to explain to someone else, I am digesting all of this information
into a few tutorials.

So, "Disclaimer" this web database is not intended to present myself as any
expert but rather, to share what I am learning in step-by-step examples
that you can reproduce. I am also not the original author of all of this
material. Proper credit will be given where due.

This database is also not intended to be in competition with the CADCAMDRO
or SHERLINE Forums on eGroups. Rather, I am hoping to have a static
repository for information related to using Dolphin CAD/CAM and small
machines such as the Sherline. It will be an open database to any who care
to lurk or contribute.

As I get started, I am looking to meet other folks in this forum you
presently use Dolphin CAD/CAM regardless of your level of expertise. If you
are a beginner like me, then you may want to help test the steps I am
documenting. If you are more experienced, then you may want to help review
and make sure that I am not teaching someone the wrong way. :-)

In any case, right now, I'd like to hear from you and your interest. I'll
be working on this over the next few weeks.

Drop me a line at glee at ica dottt comm. Thanks!

Eric Mack

P.S. Sorry about the bizarre email - just trying to avoid the Spam Robots.

Discussion Thread

glee@i... 2001-12-23 19:24:14 UTC I am setting up a Knowledgebase to collect info on Dolphin CAD/CAM and Small Machines like the Sherline