CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Laser Stripe Digitizer Pictures + Docs

Posted by vrsculptor
on 2002-01-08 21:00:43 UTC
Hi All,
In response to inquiries I've posted some pictures and an explanation
of my laser stripe digitizer. It works as is but has a long way to
go. Programs are VB6 under windoze 98. If interested follow this link:

Album is LaserSt.. If you are asked for a password you need to enter
your yahoo password and ID.


Discussion Thread

vrsculptor 2002-01-08 21:00:43 UTC Laser Stripe Digitizer Pictures + Docs Smoke 2002-01-09 07:51:50 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Laser Stripe Digitizer Pictures + Docs