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FREE -- tipped tool holders

on 2002-01-14 15:09:15 UTC
Well nearly.
That got you looking.
One of my repeat jobs about twice a year are tipped tool holders for
North Sea oil rig facing machines. These are just cheap and cheerfull
holders as they lose them in the dozens, by the dozens. I mill them
out of 5/8" cold rolled flat and have 15 thou of case put on then and
blacked. Look quite professional to boot.
I use these myself and have done for years. Fine for manual machines
but can't guarantee tenths insert repeatability for CNC lathes.
If anyone wants to make a few I've put a dxf file up at:-
Three straight holders out of 5/8" square to take the TPMG series
16mm triangular tip, the 55 degree DNMG and the 35 degree VNMG type
Last one [ top left ] is a boring bar hlder out of 3/4" for the TPMG
insert. With the TPMG if you need the centre hole then mark it from
the insert. If you want to clamp it the two spot holes are for Tridex
hold down clamps # TDX-97085-E available from J&L.
If anyone wants the g code for a particular pattern contact me off

John S.

Discussion Thread

stevenson_engineers 2002-01-14 15:09:15 UTC FREE -- tipped tool holders