CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Hans & his web page

Posted by Paul Corner
on 1999-11-07 13:56:00 UTC
On Sun, 07 Nov 1999, you wrote:
> From: hansw <hansw@...>
> Ian,
> Yes I did a reload, I know about the "cache"... As I said others have
> tested it using IE5 and Communicator 4.6 and 4.7 without any problems
> Could somebody on this list please try
> and tell Ian if it works or tell me it does not !
> regards
> Hans Wedemeyer

I'm using Netscape 4.51 under Linux - Your page comes up fine.
When I use KFM it's a completely different story.

Regards Paul.

Discussion Thread

Paul Corner 1999-11-07 13:56:00 UTC Re: Hans & his web page