CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Table of PC based controllers published

on 2002-02-02 06:28:19 UTC

Thanks. I'll be sure to save that URL for future use. I looked through your
list and have some suggestions and a comment.

First the suggestions:

- Add a column denoting availability of source code to the end user.
TurboCNC and EMC would have a "Y" for this category. I'm not sure of the

- Add a column for the url to any user list that supports the software.
These are often a good reference for information

Now the comment:

For the column "4th axis" I assume that you're indicating whether or not the
controller can support more than the traditional 3 axes (X, Y, Z) such as a
rotary table or some other. If that's the case, TurboCNC should have a "Y"
in that column. But, I'd suggest that you change the heading of "4th axis"
to Number of axes. In that case, TurboCNC would have an "8" in the column
and I believe that EMC would have more than a "4"

-- Carol & Jerry Jankura
Strongsville, Ohio
So many toys, so little time....

|Following link is a table of PC based control software. Table
|contains manufacturer, pricing, links, OS, and provisions for
|feature comparison. It should be useful for those just starting out.

Discussion Thread

IMService 2002-02-01 21:45:42 UTC Table of PC based controllers published Tony Jeffree 2002-02-02 00:15:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Table of PC based controllers published Carol & Jerry Jankura 2002-02-02 06:28:19 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Table of PC based controllers published imserv1 2002-02-02 08:20:41 UTC Re: Table of PC based controllers published