CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Grammar

Posted by vesterscott
on 2002-02-04 10:15:40 UTC
I'm a recently retired technical writer and oft-published author, and
I don't make a lot of grammatical errors.

OTOH, I've also just bought a shiny new Smithy Granite 1340/Flashcut
CNC with which to while away my declining years. Since I have never
operated a lathe or mill before in my life (CNC or otherwise), It
remains for me to learn the "language" of this equipment and of CNC
programming in general.

I sincerely hope that those members of this list who may not speak or
write the same way I do (or, perhaps, do not even care to) will,
nonetheless, continue to share their valuable CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO
technical knowledge with me in any way they choose to do so.


--- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "P. J. Hicks" <hickspj467@w...> wrote:
> I too often see grammatical mistakes here and even in 'big business'
> correspondence that sets my teeth grinding. There denotes a place
as in
> 'over there'. Their is possesive, as 'it is their shop'. Then
denotes time
> 'do this then do that'. Than is an alternative as in do this rather
> that'. Meanwhile this is WAY OFF TOPIC!

Discussion Thread

P. J. Hicks 2002-02-03 21:45:47 UTC Grammar vesterscott 2002-02-04 10:15:40 UTC Re: Grammar P. J. Hicks 2002-02-05 10:44:17 UTC Grammar