CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] making a valintine for my girl

on 2002-02-07 12:56:16 UTC
Hi Bill,

I'm thinking! What art (the heart) do you have to import? In Vector I
can "load" a .JPG file, and then put points on the image I see. Then I
can draw arcs or lines through the points. Send me a JPG, and I'll see
what I can do with it. I (wife) has some heart shaped boxes that could
be "scanned" in, or "measured". I'd think that the hearts are made up
of simple geometric shapes, so given the proper scale between the parts,
it should be possible to "draw" a good heart.


Alan KM6VV

jumpnkd wrote:
> I am new to CNC and learning a lot, I am runing Kcam for windows and
> it works well have done some engraving with deskengrave.I sat down
> and wanted to make a heart with I love you engraved in it.To draw a
> heart in cad sounded easy but im slow so I thought I will import a
> out line of one, right! I have auto cad14,Bobcad-cam17 and cant seem
> to be able to get this down. THERE HAS TO BE A EASY WAY TO DO THIS.
> am I just in need of learning the programs,using the wrong programs
> or making this more complicated than it realy is?
> Bill White
> Alexandra VA

Discussion Thread

jumpnkd 2002-02-07 07:10:02 UTC making a valintine for my girl Alan Marconett KM6VV 2002-02-07 12:56:16 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] making a valintine for my girl imserv1 2002-02-07 13:13:39 UTC Re: making a valintine for my girl stevenson_engineers 2002-02-07 14:07:19 UTC Re: making a valintine for my girl ballendo 2002-02-08 02:22:37 UTC free solution (Thanks Fred)Re: making a valentine for my girl