CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Clicks are clicks... was Re: OK, I've got a detent encoder... What now?

Posted by Chris L
on 2002-02-19 19:36:59 UTC
"Clicks are Clicks"...... I like that.

I'm not sure all the fuss over the encoder and the One big knob are warranted
for my use. I too, just simply jog at a high rate and then use a slower mode
to dial things in.

Flashcut uses a High setting which runs at rapid, Medium and then a Slow
which are both user settings, and then a "Step" setting based on your
resolution. Holding a key down in the "Step" Jog mode will let the machine
move at the resolution repeatedly based on your typematic rate. I find it
works excellent and contrary to how the Metal machining guys feel about
Router users and what they cut, but, I do a lot of engraving. I have to hit
locations every bit as accurate as them.

What makes things real convenient is I use two handy add-ons.

One, the Control Key "lock" capability offered in Windows "accessability"
options lets me Jog without holding down a key. I only need to push the right
key and it moves. PooPoo to those who feel this is simply too

Second, I jarred loose and bought the X-Keys programmable Keypad 2 years ago.
Well worth every dime for a very simple yet very capable "Pendant" for a
typical PC Controller. Dos-Windows..... It don't matter.

I even have a layout posted in the files section that shows how I can control
the machine with this keypad.

Those who have used the "guts" out of one of them surely enjoys its benefits.
My only complaint has been the keys themselves are a bit vaugue.

I know of others who just buy an economical wireless keyboard. Oh boy... Too
Dangerous ?? This is a "home-hobby" CNC group. Learn to live a little !

One of my best Hand drills is still the old metal case without a ground wire.
If it kills me someday, I won't be wasting my time typing in this group !

Chris L

ballendo wrote:

> Marcus,
> I WOULDN'T spend three times as much<G>... I'm "all about" finding
> ways to do what I need to do less expensively, so I'd either wait
> until a 25,50 or 100 ppr unit became available, OR do "without".
> But not really "without", because I don't agree about the keyboard. A
> pc based control, with decent logic to its jog system, will work
> almost exactly as the handwheel.
> Decent logic means it has the ability to "cycle" through some short
> list of jog increments, with a rapid and slow setting for the jog
> button(s). Pressing a "cycle jog step size" key a few times is pretty
> quick.
> Anyway, with this I work much the same as with the jogwheel of a
> commercial control: I eyeball at rapid jog to near where I want to
> be; then switch to slow and use ever finer settings of the jog
> increment to get "there". Clicks are clicks.
> The only real differences are that I am pushing a button/key to get
> my "clicks", instead of rotating a wheel. And that the "rotation-
> training" of my hand(s) from manual machines is wasted...
> Hope this helps.
> Ballendo
> P.S. On a "keyboard-based" jog system, you want at least one larger
> increment than on the jogwheel. I prefer two. One of my earlier posts
> showed this when I listed 1.,.1,.01,.001,.0001or single step, as a
> jog sequence. Responding posts said that .1 was too coarse, which is
> true for a commercial handwheel, but not for a keypress, IMO.
> --- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "Marcus & Eva" <implmex@a...> wrote:
> > Very true Ballendo.
> > I hadn't considered that.
> > But would it make you spend 3 times as much for your encoder on a
> homebrew rig?
> > Or would lack of availability of a 100 slot encoder make you leave
> that feature off altogether?
> > A jog wheel is such a big improvement over a keyboard command for
> setting up, that I'd really miss it.
> > (one of the few things I found tedious with Flashcut)
> > Cheers
> >
> > Marcus
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "ballendo" <ballendo@y...>
> > To: <CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y...>
> > Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 11:41 PM
> > Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: OK, I've got a detent encoder...
> What now?
> >
> >
> > > Marcus,
> > >
> > > This is a good post. You make good points, but I'm with Fred on
> this
> > > one. Here's why.
> > >
> > > Many machinists HAVE learned or worked extensively with manual
> > > machines. To the point that their hands are "trained" to expect a
> > > certain movement from a certain rotation of a wheel... There are
> many
> > > who can "dial" VERY close to the "number" they want BEFORE
> looking at
> > > the wheel to get the "final" count (much as you describe doing
> with
> > > your 5.00 O.C. holes).
> > >
> > > The handwheels on manual machines typically have 50, 100, or 200
> > > units per rev. Having detents that relate to this will help these
> > > machinists avoid mistakes. It will ALSO help newbies, when/if they
> > > eventually use handwheels on manual machines, as their
> fingers/hands
> > > will be trained also...
> > >
> > > Hope this helps.
> > >
> > > Ballendo
> > >
> > > --- In CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@y..., "Marcus & Eva" <implmex@a...> wrote:
> > > > Hi Fred:
> > > > Are you SURE it has to be a number like 100 detents per
> turn??
> > > > I've used commercial controls with manual pulse generators for a
> > > while now,
> > > > and I can't ever remember counting either turns or clicks of the
> > > handwheel.
> > > > What I care about, is that each click gives me an even decimal
> > > increment
> > > > that I can control.
> > > > The reason for this is as follows:
> > > > When I am jogging up to the edge of a job, I eyeball it at 0.01"
> > > per click<snip>
> > >
> > >
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Discussion Thread

Chris L 2002-02-19 19:36:59 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Clicks are clicks... was Re: OK, I've got a detent encoder... What now?