CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Digest Number 267

Posted by Don Chandler
on 1999-12-04 20:03:40 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 6:32 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 267

> > Welcome to CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO@...,an unmoderated list for the
discussion of shop built systems in the above catagories.
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> bill,
> List Manager
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> There are 9 messages in this issue.
> Topics in today's digest:
> 1. Re: Something for Stepper Motor/EMC Users to Try
> From: "Marshall Pharoah" <pharoahm@...>
> 2. M-functions and remarks
> From: "Jan" <postmaster@...>
> 3. Re: Digest Number 266
> From: beer@...
> 4. Re: Digest Number 266
> From: Andrew Werby <drewid@...>
> 5. Housecleaning........
> From: Larry Van Duyn <lvanduyn@...>
> 6. A Vector & Bobcad expert has joined the list
> From: "Tim Goldstein" <timg@...>
> 7. Re: Re: Sherline retrofit for CNC
> From: MIADsgns@...
> 8. Re: Re: Raw Plastics for injection molding
> From: MIADsgns@...
> 9. RTLinux
> From: "Ian Wright" <Ian@...>
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 07:41:17 -0500
> From: "Marshall Pharoah" <pharoahm@...>
> Subject: Re: Something for Stepper Motor/EMC Users to Try
> Matt,
> Regarding the comment you made about the voice recognition, my advice is
> try it before you buy it. I can't find a program that recognizes more
> 1 word in 10 that I speak. They all probably think I'm an alien life form,
> or something. Some people hit over 90%, but only with certain voice
> recognition packages. It's a technology that's still evolving, and it
> a lot of memory and cpu, generally more than is advertized.
> Marshall
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:08:45 +0100
> From: "Jan" <postmaster@...>
> Subject: M-functions and remarks
> To Fred and the rest,
> 1. I noticed some problems with the M-functions. I'm using M7-M8-M9 to
fulfil some tasks. The program code is like this:
> N1 G21 F500
> N2 G0 X0 Y0 Z0
> N3 M7
> N4 Z5
> N5 M9
> N6 M0
> ...
> The problem hereby is that M9 will not be executed (sometimes) unless the
program is restarted.
> Z5 is only used to give a time interval between between the two
> Also I noticed that this problem exist more when M7 is active then with
> 2. As I know to make a I/O parport-extension with 256 in or out's, can you
or somebody else point to me what I need to add to the source to call all
the addresses for the outputs with M-codes and to read all the inputs.
> 3. Fred, if we all on this list send you a birthday-card can we convince
you for the need of two additional functions in EMC.
> The first is that we can nest programs. This allows us to have a private
library of functions and when milling multiple pieces we don't have to put
all the code in one file but just have a driving program to go to the right
place and execute the called program. For us (at home) this is quit useful
as we're working with digitised data and mill 50 copy's at once. One copy is
about 2 Mega big and we're working with ftp to retrieve the milling data
from the server!
> A further way of thinking is when programs can work with 'parameters' ,
read variables who can be placed for every value in a program, it could look
> G0 X = P1 Y= P2 F=P3
> then our private library is even more friendly. By example; when a user
needs to mill an ellipse he can make a program for every size he needs. But
when working with parameters he can just fill in the value for A and B to
have any size wanted. When all this can be combined with some
loop-functions you end up with an interface where only the imagination of
the user is the limitation of what he get out in time and performance of his
machine. I like that.
> Second, O.k. I will send you a cake as well, is when we could run, pause
and resume a program by means of data trough the par-port or the STG-board.
I get these functions now by having my key's R,P and S of my keyboard
directly connected to a PLC. But you have to admit that this is not the
most proper and secure way to achieve an automatic toolchange.
> 3. On this side of the water we work metric. This can be achieved by
putting G21 in the program. This works fine for MDI and AUTO but when I
want to give an axis a value by right-clicking on it I got strange results.
My ini-file is put on metric.
> 4. For your information; working with KDE is not the windowmanager of
choice for EMC. Losing focus when selecting items, out of the menu, with a
mouse is the most common problem. Starting EMC can give errors as well but
running in simulation first and then switching back to normal execution can
solve the error's ?
> Does anyone have experience with Gnome or other more user-friendly wm's?
Feel free to inform me, as I would like to abandon fvwm.
> Hoping to recieve your date of birth,
> Have a nice weekend,
> Jan.
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 09:54:41 -0800 (PST)
> From: beer@...
> Subject: Re: Digest Number 266
> Hans;
> It was not my intention to strike any sort of nerve nor offend in any
> way and if I've done so, please accept my apologies.
> In answer to some of your other points.
> >
> > How in the world can someone gain access to my computer because they
> > read my web page at ?
> >
> It's the other way round. A computer that has an ActiveX enabled browser
> be "infected", if you will, simply by reading a web page created by a
> bad person.
> This is a new method of getting "infected", and it's becoming a problem
> for a lot of people. We've had a real problem with it here at the
> university, and have spent a LOT of time trying to rid ourselves of it.
> For this reason alone, we consider using an ActiveX enabled browser to
> be a bad idea, and they are prohibited on all machines used in
> sensitive areas. ( Finance, for example )
> The WORST variant of this problem is an ActiveX control that installs a
> special version of Back Orifice. This version of Back Orifice, once
> installed, sits there in the background and waits for you to connect to
> the internet. Once connected, it broadcasts a message ( in the
> background, of course ) saying "the computer at this IP address is
> online and available to be hacked".
> ( Previous versions of Back Orifice required a specific port to be
> scanned. We were able to detect this scanning and provide some
> measure of protection for our users. This new trend in this type of
> software - and there's a number of these things - is more troubling. )
> Microsoft has produced, over the couple of years, literally dozens of
> patches for security problems with its web browsers. If you ever want
> to be seriously depressed, subscribe to Microsoft's Security
> Notification service at
> You'll be amazed at the amount of email they'll send describing
> security problems THAT THEY'VE FIXED - probably averages out to 4 or 5 a
> week. I believe that Microsoft is pretty good at and pretty aggressive
> with these fixes. Still, one wonders how many are not fixed ...
> > There are millions of web pages composed with FrontPage and I have
> > tested mine with Netscape 4.5, 4.6 (two version) and 4.7 It also works
> > with IE5...
> However, I'll bet that in all cases, a version of IE was also
> installed, supplying Netscape with some additional "help".
> > If you are going to play with these high tech toys, then get the latest
> > updates; if not don't complain because you can't see half of the Worlds
> > web pages..
> Unfortunately, not all of the world CAN use a Microsoft browser; there
> ARE other OSs than the ones written in Redmond.
> And it's not half the world's web pages. I spend most of my day
> "surfing"; it's what I'm paid to do. <G> As such, I see a LOT of new
> pages a day, every day. To date, I can only think of two sites that I'm
> unable read in some manner or other, except with an ActiveX enabled
> browser.
> One of these sites was a purely commercial venture and also a waste of
> time, so no great loss. The other site is yours, which is decidedly NOT
> a waste of time and hence the reason for my reply.
> > I will not redo my web page because a small handful of people can't
> > install and upgrade their browsers.
> Of course not, nor would would any reasonable person expect you to.
> Hell, it's your web site! I think it's fabulous that you provide the
> information that you do.
> I would simply suggest that for your next update or your next addition,
> you consider these compatibility issues.
> Alan
> --
> Alan Rothenbush | The Spartans do not ask the number of the
> Academic Computing Services | enemy, only where they are.
> Simon Fraser University |
> Burnaby, B.C., Canada | Agix of Sparta
> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 11:01:31 +0100
> From: Andrew Werby <drewid@...>
> Subject: Re: Digest Number 266
> >Message: 14
> > Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 01:04:01 EST
> > From: MIADsgns@...
> >Subject: Re: Re: Sherline retrofit for CNC
> >
> >Hi Folks:
> >
> >I am looking to retrofit my sherline mils and lathe with stepper motors
> >making CNC miniature aluminum molds.
> >
> >I need them to be precise so can someone reccommend a retrofit kit for
> >
> >Has anyone retrofitted their Sherline for CNC what type of precicion can
> >expected?
> >
> >Thanks
> >Mario
> [MaxNC has recently introduced a servomotor retrofit kit that should fit
> the Sherline mill. This would offer greater precision than a stepper
> system, since it has the ability to correct for lost steps. Probably the
> limiting factor will be the backlash in the nuts, as Jon pointed out. If
> you need motor-mounts, etc. MaxNC has those too. You will need to have a
> 200mhz cpu on your machine computer to use the servo system. The 4-axis
> servo retrofit stuff lists for $1330; I can sell it a bit cheaper- see my
> site for details. I'm not sure what's involved in retrofitting the
> lathe with servos, but I could research it if you're interested.]
> Andrew Werby
> >
> Andrew Werby - United Artworks
> Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff
> Message: 5
> Date: Fri, 03 Dec 1999 11:42:08 -0700
> From: Larry Van Duyn <lvanduyn@...>
> Subject: Housecleaning........
> I have to make some more shop space for new equipment so something must
go. I have a 3 axis
> table all set up with servo motors which might be of interest to someone
in this group. If anyone is interested,
> contact me via email. Pics of the unit may be seen at :
> thru table8.jpg
> Thanks, Larry....
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 22:49:50 -0700
> From: "Tim Goldstein" <timg@...>
> Subject: A Vector & Bobcad expert has joined the list
> At the perfect time to help us in our discussion of Vector v/s Bobcad we
> have a true expert with both of these programs now on the list.
> Fred Smith of IMS ( ) has joined the list. Fred
> both experienced with the two products and sells both. From my
> he also uses both in his own shop. I have no personal stake in promoting
> Fred and his company, but as a Vector user I would like to say he has
> provided me with top line support. Also, as I was looking to decide
> Vector and Bobcad myself, the reoccurring theme I discovered was that
> everyone that has dealt with Fred told me he was a straight shooter that
> would treat you right and back the products he sold you. Unfortunately,
> is not the same thing I heard about the other Bobcad dealers.
> I look forward to learning from Fred's experience and knowledge in the
> CAD/CAM/Machining field and feel he will become one of the great assets to
> this list like Matt Shaver, Jon Elson, Dan Mauch, Dan Falck, Fred Proctor
> and many others.
> Welcome aboard Fred.
> Tim
> [Denver, CO]
> Message: 7
> Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 04:02:31 EST
> From: MIADsgns@...
> Subject: Re: Re: Sherline retrofit for CNC
> Hi Jon,
> Thanks for responding. I have made my own 3D router using stepper motors
> off the shelf components like threaded rod and nylong nuts, with good
> accuracy I can route and do some light machining on woood and plastics and
> thin aluminun.
> I am wondering on your bronze nuts you retrofitted on your mill, if you
> send me a sketch to get a better idea and see if I can do the same on my
> Sherline mill.
> What type of steppers do you reccommend? Controller? and software?
> Thanks,
> Mario
> Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 04:07:18 EST
> From: MIADsgns@...
> Subject: Re: Re: Raw Plastics for injection molding
> Does someone know a good supplier of plastic pellets for using them in a
> desktop injection molder?
> I have been using plastic recycled from 35mm containers with much success
> need a direct source since I have run out of 35 mm containers.
> Thanks,
> Mario
> BTW has anyone out there made their own injectuion molding machine?
> Message: 9
> Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 10:43:28 -0000
> From: "Ian Wright" <Ian@...>
> Subject: RTLinux
> Hi,
> I'm having linux problems and could do with a bit of advice.
> My linux box died a couple of days ago due to me trying to install a
> programme which required a library file that wasn't installed (
> It prevented me starting up linux in any form - I was on RedHat 5.2 . So I
> decided that perhaps it was time to upgrade and try the newer version and
> installed RedHat 6.1 with the 2.2.12 kernel. This went like a dream, they
> have certainly improved the installation script. Then I decided I should
> upgrade the kernel to the new 2.2.13 version with RTlinux and so
> the ready patched kernel from FSMlabs. All appeared to be going well until
> got to the 'make bzImage' bit when it stalled at processing the first line
> of code. Thinking it may have been a bad download, I then downloaded a
> copy of the kernel only and the separate RTlinux 2.0 patch and tried
> I got exactly the same result - 'make xconfig', 'make dep', and 'make
> went without a hitch but, when I got to 'make bzImage' it again stalled at
> the first line of code.
> Has anyone else had such an experience or is it something I am doing
> Ian
> --
> Ian W. Wright
> Sheffield UK

Discussion Thread

Don Chandler 1999-12-04 20:03:40 UTC Re: Digest Number 267