CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Converting a Sherline

Posted by Andrew Werby
on 1999-05-26 03:04:11 UTC
Charles Gallo <Charlie@...> wrote:
Subject: Re: Progress!!

Well, I have an admission to make - I'm re-writing (Maintaining)
The thing is, so many things could be wrong, and I'm ONLY working with
code (I don't have a CNC Mill - YET - anyone have some cheap ideas for my

[Well, MaxNC has a retrofit kit for Sherlines I could sell you for $415,
which includes
mounting plates, lead screws, nuts, and miscellaneous hardware, plus the MaxNC
motion control system. If you really didn't want the control software, it
could possibly
be even cheaper, but I'd say get it if you can, if only for comparison's sake.]

Andrew Werby

Andrew Werby - United Artworks
Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff

Discussion Thread

Andrew Werby 1999-05-26 03:04:11 UTC Re: Converting a Sherline Ian W. Wright 1999-05-26 11:56:19 UTC Re: Converting a Sherline