CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Vector Nurb Surface update

Posted by IMService
on 2002-04-16 17:30:43 UTC
I have added a preliminary spec sheet to the Vector Nurb preview info. Click the link from this page:

It may be necessary to refresh in your browser if you have previously visited the preview page.

Hardware requirements are Open GL video and an 800 MHZ or faster PC, OS - Win 98 or later. The more ram the better, start at 128meg min.

This program will be on display at NAMES in Southgate, Michigan, on April 27-28. We will also have it on display for a time during our Vector, Names-Hobby class the following Monday. We expect the the final release will be July 15th. Until that time Vector will will be offered with a special incentive price for the Nurbs Surface option of $995 for new customers, and $545 for prior Vector 9.3 customers. Normal IMService pricing is $1595 for Vector with the Nurbs surface option. Early purchasers will receive a price discount and have access to the then current version and limited documentation, with receipt of the final documentation and version close to the final release date.

Best Regards,

Fred Smith

Discussion Thread

IMService 2002-04-16 17:30:43 UTC Vector Nurb Surface update